Recipe: Super Chewy Protein Keto Brownies

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[bigletter]When I’m doing keto, I begin to really miss the little things, such as a good piece of chocolatey goodness. A few ounces of dark chocolate will do, and so will a spoonful of peanut butter on most days, but if I’m looking for something extra chocolatey, this is one of my go-to recipes.[/bigletter]

Last night, while I prepped a keto pizza I worried about the avocado I hadn’t eaten, as I knew the next day it would go bad. We all know avocados don’t give us many chances to find them at their perfect point. I had a few leftover ingredients that I could put to good use, and I ended up making super chewy brownies and brownie bites!

Take note: The recipe makes 8-10 portions 2in x 3in


1 avocado
1/3 cream cheese
A pinch of salt
Almond flour
Cocoa powder
Chocolate cream spread
Canderel sugar
Unslated butter
1/2 cup of chcolate Vega protein
1 hour in the fridge

Step 1

Add the avocado and cream cheese into the food processor and mix. Then add the melted butter.

Step 2

Add 1 tbs of a low-carb chocolate cream spread, such as ChocZero Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Spread.

Step 3

In a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients: cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, sugar, almond flour, and vanilla vega protein.

Step 4

Combine the wet and dry mixes with a spatula. Then mix for another minute in the food processor or magic bullet just to ensure it’s fully smooth.

Step 5

Take the baking tray and add butter on the surface, followed by a dash of almond flour and more cocoa powder. Then, pour the chocolate brownie mixture into the container.

Step 6

Put it in the fridge for an hour. Pull it out and let it cool, and then pop it in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Once it’s out, let it cool, and then put it in the fridge again for an hour. 

Step 7

Cut it into squares and voila!

I hope this recipe helps you calm those chocolate cravings, and if you want to see how I made the cake pop version of this, click here.

I adore capturing every highlight of my foodie posts and sharing them in hopes of sparking ideas in a curious reader. If you want to see more of my favorite foods, follow my hashtags #CBtalksFOOD &  for my personal recipes, check out #CBtalksCOOKING .

From my home in London…